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Rhetoric - Faculty & Staff

Jennifer Abbott

  • Professor of Rhetoric

Photo of Abbott, Jennifer

Jennifer Abbott first arrived at Wabash College in 2002, fresh from her graduate studies at The Pennsylvania State University. Broadly speaking, Prof. Abbott examines how visual and verbal symbols attempt to influence our perceptions, attitudes, and even actions.  She is particularly interested in how popular media portray masculinity and how the news media employ language and imagery in their publications and broadcasts. In addition, she has taken a more recent interest in exploring the relationships between rhetoric, citizenship, and democracy. 

In her spare time, Prof. Abbott enjoys spending time with her husband, Michael Abbott, who is also a member of the Wabash College faculty, and their daughter Zoe. They can frequently be found at Little Mexico, their favorite restaurant in Crawfordsville.


Ph.D. in Speech Communication, The Pennsylvania State University, December 2003
M.A. in Speech Communication, The Pennsylvania State University, August 1998
B.A. in Speech Communication, California Polytechnic State University, June 1996

Recent Course Offerings

Rhetoric 101- Public Speaking
Rhetoric 260 - Contemporary U.S. Public Address                                                    Rhetoric 262 - Rhetoric of Sitcoms
Rhetoric 350 – Contemporary Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
Rhetoric 360 – Gender and Communication
Rhetoric 365 – Rhetoric of the News Media
Rhetoric 497 – Senior Seminar
Gender 101 -- Introduction to Gender Studies

Recent Presentations

With Jordin Clark, James Michael Proszek, Marty Heath, Franklin Kimmell, Hailey Otis, Tracey Quigley Holden, and Liam Michael Cuddy. “Basic Course as Blank Slate: Critically Reimagining the Foundations in the Foundational Communication Course.” Top Panel Award. Roundtable Panel. Basic Course Division. National    Communication Association Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, 2023.

With Jordin Clark. “(Re)placing the Podium: Mediated Public Speaking as an Inclusive Practice.” 2023 What Works Virtual Conference. The Center for Innovative Pedagogy at Kenyon College. Virtual. 2023.

With Cory Geraths, Crystal Benedicks, Cara Healey, Jesus Rodriguez, and Atanacio Hernandez. “Interrogating Masculinities with Men.” Roundtable Panel. Annual Meeting of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender. Cincinnati, OH, 2019.

With Cory Geraths. “Finding Hope on TV: Multiple, Complex Masculinities in Modern Family.“ Television Division. Midwest Popular Communication Association/Midwest American Culture Association Conference. Indianapolis, IN, 2018.

"The Lessons of Yesterday's Public Journalism for Tomorrow's Citizen-Engaged Journalism." Communication and the Future Division Top Papers. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA, 2016.

"Rhetoric, Deliberation, and Civic Engagement in the Public Speaking Course." Panel Submission. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., 2013.

“Public Speaking and Civic Engagement.” Presented at the mini-conference: “Bridging Differences with our Common Traditions: Public Speaking and Public Address in the Twenty-First Century.” National Communication Association National Convention, San Francisco, CA, 2010.

“Objectivity and Bias in the News: A Comparison of Mainstream, Religious, and Political Opinion Presses.” Social Construction Division. National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago. 2007. 

“What About the Alternative Press?: The Role of Religious and Political Periodicals in Democratic Citizenship.” Rhetoric and Democratic Citizenship: A Colloquy in Honor of William Norwood Brigance, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN, 2005.

“Bravery and Cowardice: News Media Gendering of the Iraq War.” Third International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Cambridge, England, 2005.

Recent Publications

Abbott, Jennifer Y., Jordin Clark, and James Proszek. “Promoting Critical Deliberation: Bridging Civic Engagement and Social Justice in the Basic Course.” Basic Communication Course Annual Vol. 36, Article 7 (2024): 81-108.

Abbott, Jennifer Y., and Cory Geraths. “Modern Masculinities: Resistance to Hegemonic Masculinity in Modern Family.” Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric vol. 11 no. ½ (2021): 36-56.

"Tensions in the Scholarship on Participatory Journalism and Citizen Journalism." Annals of the International Communication Association 41.3-4 (2017): 278-297. 

Abbott, Jennifer Young, Todd F. McDorman, David M. Timmerman, and Jill Lamberton. Public Speaking and Democratic Participation: Speech, Deliberation, and Analysis in the Civic Realm. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.

“Writing the News: A Comparison of Objective, Religious, and Political Opinion Presses.” Journalism: Theory, Practice, and Criticism 12:3 (April 2011): 349-366.

“The Positive Functions of ‘Negative’ Rhetoric: Feminists’ Expository Campaign Against the Promise Keepers.” Women’s Studies in Communication 30 (Spring 2007): 1-33.

“Religion and Gender in the News: The Case of Promise Keepers, Feminists, and the ‘Stand in the Gap’ Rally.” Journal of Communication and Religion 29 (November 2006): 224-261.

“William (Bill) Paul McCartney.” In American Voices: An  Encyclopedia of Contemporary Orators. Eds Bernard K. Duffy and Richard W. Leeman. 皇冠足球比分_澳门皇冠体育-在线|平台@stport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. 307-315.

Fulmer, Hal W., and Jennifer Young Abbott. “William Franklin (Billy) Graham.” In American Voices: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Orators. Eds Bernard K. Duffy and Richard W. Leeman. 皇冠足球比分_澳门皇冠体育-在线|平台@stport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005. 177-186.

Honors & Awards

Recipient of McLain-McTurnan-Arnold Excellence in Teaching Award, Wabash College. (2024).

Lead Author Recipient (with Todd McDorman and David Timmerman as co-authors). PALSave Textbook Creation Grant. $6500. Funded by Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) to produce a second edition of Public Speaking and Democratic Participation: Speech, Deliberation, and Analysis in the Civic Realm as an open educational resource (2023-2025).

Equity & Inclusion Pedagogy Fellowship. Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc (LEI) and awarded by Wabash College. Received a course release to revise RHE 101 Public Speaking so that it directly addresses content, questions, and approaches for promoting equity and social justice locally and/or globally (2022-2023).

Co-Recipient of Top Paper Award from the Communication and the Future Division, National Communication Association Annual Convention, Paper title: "The Lessons of Yesterday's Public Journalism for Tomorrow's Citizen-Engaged Journalism" (2016).

Recipient. Research Exchange with the Kettering Foundation. Grant focuses on researching and analyzing public journalism practices (2015-2016).

Co-recipient (with Todd McDorman, Jeff Drury, Sara Drury, and Jill Lamberton). “Civic Engagement and Deliberation: Exploring a Center for Democracy and Public Discourse.” Great Lakes College Association New Directions Initiative Grant. Grant focused on hosting a Brigance Colloquy on Civic Engagement (2013-2014).

Lead Writer and Co-recipient (with Todd McDorman, Jill Lamberton, and Lexie Hoerl). “An Interdisciplinary Approach to Civic Engagement.” Great Lakes College Association New Directions Initiative Grant, 2010. Grant focused on renovating RHE 101 and pairing it with PSC 111 (2010).

Lilly Liberal Arts Fellow, Awarded by Center for Inquiry in the Liberal Arts, Wabash College; Fellowship focused on Public Speaking as a Liberal Art (Fall 2009).

Co-recipient of Top Paper Award from the Social Construction Division, National Communication Association National Convention, Paper title: “Objectivity and Bias in the News: A Comparison of Mainstream, Religious, and Political Opinion Presses.” (Fall 2007).

Cheris Kramarae Dissertation Award, Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender (Fall 2004).

Co-recipient of Top Paper Award for Excellence in Competitive Papers from the Visual Communication Commission, National Communication Association National Convention. Paper title: “'Promise Keepers, Equality Bashers': NOW and the Rhetoric of Documentary Video.” (Fall 2002).

Administrative Positions

Chair, Gender Studies Steering committee, Wabash College, 2023-present

Co-Chair, Division II, Wabash College, Fall 2018-Spring 2019

Chair, Department of Rhetoric, Wabash College, Fall 2009-Spring 2015, Fall 2016-Spring 2018, Fall 2022
